Kasich Statement on Brelo Verdict


Date: May 23, 2015
Location: Columbus, OH
Issues: Legal

Today Governor John R. Kasich issued the following statement in response to the Brelo verdict:

"The court has spoken and we must respect its decision. Everyone must have the right for their response to be heard--including when they are angry and hurt--and voicing that frustration in a peaceful way helps us all rise above those forces that would hold us back and tear us down. In Ohio we are working hard to rebuild strong communities where every voice is heard and respected--and we're making progress, but we've got a lot of work to do. Our statewide initiative to improve the way that communities and police work together, with better training, oversight and cooperation, is a model for the country, but we must stay at it. Even in the middle of the strong feelings many have today we can't lose sight of how Ohio has begun to successfully come together. We are one Cleveland and one Ohio and, with God's help, together we will keep building for ourselves and our children the kind of world that we all deserve."
